The Scholar School Delhi organised the Investiture Ceremony on 26th April '24 for the new academic session. The President "Safiya  Noor" and Prime minister "Zunaira"  were elected by the students after casting their votes in the school election held on 19/4/24.  Rest of the Council Ministers,  House captains and Vice captains were selected based on their interests and skills. The event began with recitation of Qirat. This was followed by the processional march, a proud moment for the new student Council members as they marched up the aisle on the stage to undertake their new responsibilities. They were adorned with sashes- a daily reminder of their duties which held dignity and honour.  The Student Council took the oath with a pledge to execute their duties sincerely and efficaciously.  As the ceremony came to a close, the Principal extended her heartening message for the Council members to reinforce in them, the virtues of a good leader, impelling them to accept the new challenges with untiring fervour and diligence.